Wednesday, December 12, 2018

10th Meeting: Teaching with Technology

On our tenth meeting, last meeting for this term, Ms Olivar discussed the Guiding Principles for Teaching with Technology.

Image result for Teaching with Technology.

1. Focus on pedagogy, not on technology.
2. Set expectation clearly.
3. Choose high quality over high tech.
4. More technology requires more organization.
5. Accommodate before you innovate.
6. Appeal to multiple styles of learning.
7. Don’t make technology make you mechanical.
8. Use technology to teach, not entertain.
9. To legitimize, you need to personalize.
10. Prepare for technology to fail.

9th Meeting: Game Show

On our 9th meeting, we conducted a game show.
Each group, consisted of six individual, facilitated different assigned educational games.
Our group conducted an EARTH QUIZ, where you must prove that you really are from planet earth (lol).

Earth quiz header

Everyone enjoyed all the games that each group conducted, especially those group who has prizes.

8th Meeting: Unit Test

On our 8th meeting, Sir Jhace  is our proctor the Unit Test.
The unit test is composed of our lesson from the History of Technology in Education up to some keys or short cuts in Excel App.

7th Meeting: English Tutorial

On our 7th meeting, Ms Olivar gave us task to perform the week after the unit test.
She assigned us to make an educational game that is about a certain subject.
She also let us to play a game via Excel App and taught us English vocabulary and prepositions.

Image result for vocabulARY

6th Meeting: Media Text Analysis

On our sixth meeting, Ms Olivar taught us the Media text analysis.
At first, I don't have any idea that we can find text in a picture.
But my perception changed when Ms Olivar discussed the whole topic.

5th Meeting: TUP-T Ted Talk

On our fifth meeting, we presented our Ted Talk where each group, composed of two-three individual, present a talk for an assigned educational application.
Image may contain: text

Our group presented Five Video tools or Video editing apps.

We conducted a demo on how to use the Filmora app.

4th Meeting: Technology in Classroom

On our fourth meeting, Sir Jhace let us watch a video where we saw how the Technology in Education changed in time. It is a short video which tells the history of ed tech with cartoons for visual.

Image result for education technology

• 30,000 BCE: Cave Drawings
• 510 BCE: Pythagoras Academy
• 105 AD: Paper was first made in China
• 382 AD: Manuscript Transcription
• 1450: Gutenberg Printing Press
• 1600-1800: Public Education
• 1930-1940: Audiovisual Age
• 1960-1980: Information Age
• 1990-1991: Computer Age
• 1995: Digital Age
• 2000: The Interactive Age

Sunday, October 7, 2018

3rd Meeting: Our Group’s Least Favorite Subject

Last October 1, we are assigned to apply the 10-20-30 rule by preparing and perfoming a presentation. We are asked to present our least favorite subject. Mr Jhace facilitated us since Ms Olivar is not around. Our group presented first.

My groupmates are Ms Brien, CJ, Lyra and Justin. We picked the subject Chemistry since 4 outof 5 members were not much interested in the said subject. The presentation was divided into 5 parts for us to present every part. After out presentation, Mr Jhace gave us comments about the whole presentation from the contents to the deliveration. We learned so much from him. He gave us advice and other techniques on how to make ourselves  better in terms of presenting.

Monday, October 1, 2018

2nd Meeting: Rules and Tips in making a Presentation

Last September 24, 2018, Mr Jhace Domantay, our student teacher, performed his Final Demo. He discussed the basic rule in preparing a presentation. 

The guy Kawasaki's famous 10-20-30 rule of power point. 

A PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, the font size must use is not smaller than thirty

Ten slides

Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation because a normal human being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting. Though ten slides seemed to be too few, your slide must contain fruitful and informative contents. You must maximize the use of every slide. You must include your PREP pattern within the given number of slides.

Twenty minutes

The whole presentation must last no longer than 20 minutes. The presentation must be an interesting, because the attention span of a human lasts only for 20 minutes. If the presentation is naturally long and full of explanation, you must be versatile enough to make different strategies to catch your audience attention and make them interested in your topic. 

Thirty points

The font size that you must use in preparing a presentation must be 30 points and above. One reason is for the people at the back may see the texts in the slide even though they are distant at the board. Another reason is to minimize the number of texts in the slide. 

Mr Domantay also give us 8 tips on making an awesome power point presentation

8 Tips on Making an Awesome Power Point Presentation

1. Fck Normality

You must set aside normality and explore your creativity. Normal is Boring. Make a presentation that will catch your audience's attention and interest
•Avoid using standard templates 
•Create your own Design
•Try different combinations
•Let your creativity flow

2. Colors Are Nice

Don't hesitate to combine different shade of colors. Colorful is Powerful. Make a presentation that fun enough to watch
•Play your colors
•Find you like
•Flat colors are beautiful
•Contrast is your friend

3. Use Good Fonts

Explore the list of different fonts. Find what you think is the best font for your certain statements.
•Know the difference of the fonts and where are their application
•Make your presentation a brand of your greatness

4. Too Much Texts is Evil

Avoid too much texts. Let your presentation be your guide, not your manuscript. If you have a long reference, let your audience have a hard copy.
•Let your slides breathe
•Break up your bullet points into different slides

5. Images Say More

Use powerful images to explain your thoughts than a bunch of sentences. 
•It tends to catch people's attention
•It makes the message more powerful

6. Big Is Beautiful

Don't be afraid to use bold text. It helps you to emphasize the words you wanna imbibed on your audience's minds.
•Think BIG
•Think BOLD
•Think BAM!
•WOW them

7. Info-graphics are great

•Choose simple yet catchy info-graphics

8. Get Inspired

•Look for awesome presentations online and use it as a reference for your layout or theme

Sunday, September 30, 2018

1st Meeting: Guide On How To Present

Last September 17 is our  first meeting with Ms. Olivar, our subject teacher.
At first, she let let us to take the diagnostic examination for her to know which questions in the exam is in the group of the low correct respond which means that it also needs more time to discuss and teach during the term. She is quite disappointed because no one passed the exam, which means that no one made an advance reading about the subject.

Few moments later, she went to her topic discussion, the "Guide on How To Present."
She told us that we must be aware of our gestures when we're presenting. We must put our hands on the waist level of our body and be open every time we are asking for response from the audience. We must also avoid different fillers like "Uhm" "Ah" "Ano".



Introduction which consists of complete name, course and section (if necessary) and what is the title of your topic


Body which consists of your whole topic. In the body of your presentation, you must be clear with your point of view. That's why you must set a pattern. PREP is one of the most famous pattern when it comes to presentation. P is for teh Position, which tells your perspective about a certain topic. R is for the Reason, which tells your belief, principle, and other reference which support your position. E is for Example, which enlist your different example of things, people and scenarios regarding on the supported position and reason. P is for the Position again, which tells your perspective regarding on the topic to summary or generalize your PRE.


Generalization which can be a thought, quotes, or a brief conclusion that can be remarkable on the audience.